Friday, 19 November 2010

Key things to identify a thriller

Red Herrings
Cliff Hangers

Sub genres
Justice vs. Injustice
Atmosphere of menice
Literary devices
Morally complex characters

Low level
Limited view/shadows
Often at night/dark
Dim colours/a lot of use of red

Confined locations - lifts/phone booths
Claustrophobic spaces are a key.

Quick cute
Fast pace
Match Cuts
Jump cuts

Camera angles
Part of view shot
Establishing shot
Close ups
Frantic camera movement

Creaky doors, wind, tap running
Heavy breathing

Criminal. assasins, dark pasts, etc.
Morally complex
Ambiguous roles
Leave audience guessing who is good and who is bad.

Profile - Anton Chigurh

Speech - Language and Tone
He is very one toned, it makes him sound serious and polite even though he truely is a mad man. As he is going to kill them he speaks politely which is a big contrast. He also asks a lot of questions which makes us aware of him and his intentions.
He stays quite still when he speaks, no arm movements or gestures. He stands like he is always looking for a reason to kill, like when he speaks to the man in the petrol station.
Representation in Film
He represents Villian, Hitman, Disturbed, Gives the audience moral dilema, Mysterious, Dark, Dull facial and clothing.
What does his costume suggest?
He is dark and kind of dull like his clothing and the colour of his skin. This reflects the way he acts, dark and mysterious. He has a weird haircut that makes us very suspicious and we have no clues of his background from his costume so we are lost about his background all the way through the film.

Opening Summary of No Country for Old Men

No country for old men is an american crime thriller. A man stumbles across a huge wealth that isn't his, he is hunted down across different places. The film shows fate and consequence. Im going to use the acronym C.L.A.M.P.S to help me with the summary of the beginning of No Country for Old Men. C - Costume, L - Lighting, A - Actors, M - Make-up, P - Props and S - Setting. In the first five minutes in the opening of 'No Country for Old Men' the camera shows us a desolate 'desert like' land whilst the sheriff talks about his father and a previous arrest. It then goes to show a man being arrested and a strange weapon. We then see that the man is a stone cold murderer as he kills two people in the space of five minutes. 3 words i would use to describe Anton Chigurh would be werido, physco and brutal. When Anton murders people we see this physcotic look on his face, kind of like he enjoys it that he has done it before and like he is in a whole different world when he murders. His eyes are like a glowing red, which contrasts against his pale white skin, he wears dark clothes which make his pale skin stand out to us.