Friday 22 October 2010

Opening Scenes of No Country For Old Men

In the opening scene to this thriller, the film already causes suspence for the viewer. The killer has killed two innocent people in the space of about 5 minutes, we start to think why is he killing these people we want to know whats in his mind. It keeps your attention to the film. The place looks very desolate and earie like if you screamed no one would hear you, it makes the perfect place for a killer to be on the loose. The murderer is seen in the opening scenes walking up to a sheriff who is on the fone, we wonder what he is doing and you want to shout out quick he's behind you, by then it's too late he has the sheriff on the floor and kills him. Three words that came to my mind were weird, physco and brutal. The killer is so laid back about killing people it makes him seem professional like he has done it before which is worrying. When he murders he has a physcotic look on his face asif he is enjoying the feeling of power he has over the people he kills. The visual of the killer automatically lets you know he is the villain, dark clothes, strange hair cut, pale skin and yet his eyes are bright red. The only downfall to the film so far is it takes too long to get to the point and has alot of action to start with but then trails off and the action dies down.

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