Friday 7 January 2011


Sabotage was directed by Alfred Hitchcock in 1935. The film uses something that we call dramatic irony. Dramatic irony is when the characters in the text don't know something that we know such as in this film the package is a bomb yet the little boy doesn't know. Stevie is the little boy and his sister is married to Verloc.We see that Verloc is a terrorist but they don't know that. We see a note with the bomb saying the birds will sing at 1.45, this means that the bomb will go off at 1.45. Verloc tells Stevie he has to get to Piccadilly Circus train station by 1.30 so he can get out of the way before it goes off. Along the way the boy gets side tracked by the Lord Mayors Show and a 1930's street market. He notices that he is late and gets on a bus to try and get there quickly little does he know the bomb is going to go off any minute. We see the clock it slowly but surely is reaching 1.45. The tension is building with the music, quicker and louder, then we see quick shots of the bomb and BANG it blows up along with the bus and Stevie.

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